Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My name is Leslie and I am a mother of an addict!

What can I say but my child is addicted to the paci. I've heard that addiction is inherited and I may have had a slight paci addiction myself until I was 3. At the age of 3 we moved and my parents conveniently lost my pacifier (if not for this I might still have one today). So unknowingly I passed this gene onto Rylan. At the moment, I'm not too concerned because I figure he will not go off to college with a pacifier in his mouth. But if by the age of 3 he still has one I guess Cory and I are going to have to move:)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bathtime with Rylan

Rylan enjoys his bubble bath (hmmm...wonder where he gets that). This is the time of day when Cory takes over and I get everything ready for bedtime. Cory and Rylan sing songs, splash (its been known for Cory to end up wetter than Rylan) and have some good bonding time. I think both love this time of day!

I'm not sure why Cory looks drunk in this picture but he wasn't:)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our feeble attempt at Wonderland

We tried to take Rylan to Wonderland this weekend. Once again I just knew Rylan was going to love it. Well, I was didn't help that we went during his nap time and it was hot, not as hot as it has been but still pretty warm. I'm sure next year will be a different story but he wasn't digging it this year. So here are the few pictures I got at Wonderland, the car ride home from Wonderland and picture I thought was funny from the weekend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Rylan had his pictures made Saturday (Carol McKinney is awesome). I wanted pictures of Rylan playing and running around. Well, Carol got pictures of Rylan going down a big boy slide...let's just say they are priceless....
Despite what the pictures may show, Rylan loved it and wanted to do it again!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bottomless Pit

I am so lucky that Rylan is not a picky eater. I hear stories of Moms struggling to get their child to eat anything. But sometimes I wonder if Rylan is a bottomless pit. Especially when it comes to pasta, that boy can put it away. Some nights it seems like he eats as much or even more than Cory and I.