Thursday, January 21, 2010 there something on my face??

I received a photo album for Christmas and have been working on compiling ALL of the pictures that have been taken of Rylan since birth. Well, let's just say that it has taken me FOREVER. I went through and labeled every-single-picture with the date and Rylan's age (which this blog assisted me a lot). But as I was looking through the pictures I realized that there are a lot of Rylan eating. Don't ask me why...but I do realize, in not so many words, that Rylan is a pig when he eats. This was him this weekend after eating some pasta...not a pretty picture!!

All I have to say is thank goodness for stain stick!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hook 'em Horns

So I understand that Texas lost (why did McCoy have to get hurt) but I do believe that Texas does have the cutest fans!! Here's my proof....

Ok, I'm not sure how to rotate the sideways pics...sorry :P

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baptized into Motherhood

I'm sure every mother has their vomit story. I had been so lucky in that Rylan had never really thrown up. Noticed I said had...yesterday I got the call saying Rylan had thrown up at MDO. So I leave work, stop on the way and get some pedialyte and sprite, and go get my sick baby. He looked so sad and just wanted his Momma (I hate that he was sick but LOVE that he wanted just me...hey call me selfish I can't help it). On the way home Rylan threw up all over the back seat...not pleasant, I'm not sure my car will ever be the same. When we get home I have to maneuver a sick and stinky child out of the car while trying not to get covered in vomit myself. Little did I know that would be irrelevant in about a hour. I change him (2nd set of clothes) and I change out of my work clothes. We get all comfy in the recliner and are snuggling when it happens again and this time its all over me and him...ugh! We both change clothes (3rd set) and I figured out that a bowl sitting beside us is a good thing to have. Rylan felt crummy most of the day but by the evening he was feeling tons better.