Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cubs game part deux

Wow, April and May have been extremely busy months for us. I think it's finally going to slow down for us and I'm kind of ready. It seems like it's been go go go non stop so, I'm ready for a break. But we've had a lot of fun. This past weekend, we went to another cubs game but, this time it was in Dallas. Last year, we went to Denver and Rylan did good but he didn't sleep or travel that great. But this time he did awesome!! We went shopping twice and he was a trooper. I'm not sure who loved Bass Pro Shops more, Cory or Rylan?? And he did great at the game but, he didn't really want to go to anyone else so he pretty much sat in my lap the whole game. And he was in an extra lovey mood (which normally I love) but in 95 degree weather it can get a little hot. So needless to say Mama was a little stinky by the time the game was over!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Folding Laundry

Yesterday, I was doing a load of kitchen towels (which I do often). I LOVE that Cory does a lot of the cooking, but he uses when he cooks. Don't get me wrong, I think its a pretty good trade off, but man you can use a rag/towel more than once! Anyways, I pulled the load out of the dryer and put them on the floor. Then, I went to get another load and when I returned Rylan was "folding" the towels on the floor. It was so cute!! It's amazing how he mimics everything he sees. He can see you do something one time and he'll try to copy you. He's such a little sponge or maybe I should say dish towel! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


Cory and I went to Nashville this past weekend...when the flood of the century hit. That's just the way our luck goes. But we now have a crazy story to tell and we were lucky and it just ruined the end of our vacation. There are so many people that lost everything!! And we did get two days of fun before we had to be evacuated from our beautiful hotel.