Monday, October 26, 2009

Children of the Corn

This weekend we meet up with some great friends that we haven't seen in a long time and all headed to the pumpkin patch. Rylan had such a great time and used up so much energy!!
Who knew a tub of corn could be so much fun. We had to pry Rylan away...hmm so I'm guessing for Christmas we can just get him a tub of corn and we'll be set (that's a lot cheaper than a playhouse).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Born to be Wild

I found the cutest winter hat for Rylan. Nothing's cuter than a skull and cross bones hat on an 18 month old :) Can you believe he's 18 months old. Oh, where has the time gone?? So here he is looking like a biker dude with Daddy. Notice how excited Daisy is in the back ground. Yep, that's about as excited as she gets!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I may be the only one that found this hilarious and may also get CPS called on me. The other night I was getting Rylan ready for his bath, but before I went to turn on the water I had to go grab something. I hear Rylan say Uh-Oh, which is one of his favorite words right now. My first thought was what's in the toilet. But to my surprise this is what I found....He was trying to get a toy out of the bathtub but he couldn't reach the bottom of the tub and then he couldn't reach the floor. So in essence he was stuck. Being the wonderful Mother that I am I first run to get my camera to snap a picture and then help him get "unstuck". Don't worry no children were harmed in the taking of this picture :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The other night, I was getting things ready for Rylan's school the next day when I left the kitchen for 2 seconds to get some diapers....when I walked back in this is what I found.....

My question all kids do this or is my child just weird??? He loves putting food, plates, bowls whatever on his head....I just don't get it!