Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas '09

Here's our Christmas in reverse order...sorry couldn't get the pictures to change:) We had a wonderful Christmas with our whole family. Cory's Mom, my parents and brother all stayed at our house Christmas Eve (yes my parents only live 5 minutes away but they wanted to be there in the morning). My Dad said it was the best Christmas he'd had in a long time and I think we all felt that way!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We had a surprise party for my Mom over the weekend for her 60th birthday. We all had such a great time and she was completely surprised. Here are a few pictures from the night...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hi-ho Hi-ho a hunting we will go!

Well, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later...Cory shot his dream deer. So now I get to look forward to having a deer head on my living room wall. I just don't get hunting...who in their right mind would want to intentionally get up at the crack of dawn in the freezing cold and sit for hours and look for a deer or some sort of animal to shoot. Even though I don't get it, Cory sure does seem to enjoy it and can't wait for the day when Rylan can go with him and I guess that's all that matters.