Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not a good start to the week

You know your going to have a rough week when it starts with a trip to the ER. Cory left Sunday morning to go to a business meeting, which its always rough when Cory's gone because we have such a good system and its so hard when you can't tag team. But I decided that I'm a big girl and I can handle going back to work full time and Rylan by myself. Well, that would have been great if we all hadn't caught what ever Rylan had over Easter. And when I say ALL that includes myself, Cory, my Mom and Cory's Mom...not good. But I was feeling better Sunday and thought that I was on the mend. Things were going well, I was enjoying spending the day with Rylan and was busy getting Rylan ready for bed when I noticed that my ear needed to pop. I didn't think much of it and went to bed. Well at 11:30 I woke up with the most excruciating pain in my ear, it rivaled labor pains, so I did what any grown woman would do I called my husband that is two states away crying. Of course, there is nothing that he can do and tells me to call my parents who are 4 minutes away. So I wake them up and my Mom comes over to watch Rylan and my Dad takes me to the ER. But before they arrive my eardrum bursts (is it just me or should body parts not burst) which made the pain go away but blood was now running out of my ear...I know gross and tmi. So after a 2 hour stay at the ER I'm now on an antibiotic and I am on the road to recovery. But through all this I have discovered that Mom's don't get to be sick, Rylan doesn't care how bad I feel, he still needs to be taken care of. And as weird as it sounds this whole ordeal actually made me proud of myself. My parents did come for a little bit on Monday to help but other than that I've done it all by myself like a big girl:) Of course, I may feel like a big girl but I'm also counting the minutes till Cory comes home:)

1 comment:

  1. I hate that you had a hard time :(
    and I hope you feel better :)
