Monday, June 8, 2009

Playing with Daddy

I think the highlight of Rylan's day and Cory's too is their wrestling time. Rylan loves to be rolled around and thrown in the air and all other variations of roughness. However, I still see Rylan as my delicate baby that you need to be so careful with. So I guess its a good thing that Cory plays "rough" with Rylan even though it sometimes makes my heart skip a beat. An example of this would be this weekend when Cory let Rylan slide down the slide by himself. Now this is a little slide but all the times before I'd been at the bottom to catch him. So when Cory tells me to come watch Rylan I did not expect to see him going 90 mph down the slide with no one to catch him. The best description of Rylan's landing is a rock skipping across water, except the rock is Rylan's butt and its skipping across the grass. After my heart starts beating again I realize that Rylan is in hog heaven and wants to keep going down the slide. So I guess my delicate little baby is turning into a wild and crazy little boy. (Sadly, the video camera was not charged but I will get video of this soon)

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