Monday, August 24, 2009

Do you need a cleaning service??

I read recently that it costs an estimated $220,000 to raise a child born in 2008. So I decided Rylan needs to start carrying his weight. If anyone is looking for a cleaning service I have your man....

He sweeps....
He mops...
And he can stand on his many cleaning people do you know that can do that:)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shared Bath

Is it me or do I have a lot of bath tub posts?? Oh well, they are just too cute not to share. Over the weekend our good friends came over with their 9 month old little girl. Oh how she just melts my heart and she and Rylan are destined to be married some day! Rylan wasn't so sure about sharing his tub but in the end a good time was had by all. And us Mommies were able to take some sweet pictures. Who knows maybe someday we can show these pictures at their wedding. But first we have to explain to Rylan that we don't hit or knock over our bride to be but we are taking baby steps (literally) with these issues:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Let's go Cubbies!!

Rylan went to his first MLB game over the weekend. We went to Denver and watched the Cubs and Rockies play. I was very nervous about how Rylan would act at the game. The game would last past his bed time and to top it all off he's cutting two teeth (perfect timing). But much to my surprise he did great. He loved dancing to the music and watching for the ball. And it also didn't hurt that the Rockies mascot had a striking resemblance to Barney. I would have to say that Rylan did pretty good on his first vacation.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The First Cut!

Rylan finally had his first hair cut. He doesn't have a whole lot of hair but the top was getting long. I was worried he wouldn't sit still but he did great. Of course, it didn't take long and we don't have much to put in his baby book. But we all survived and his hair looks so cute. Although, Cory thinks that he looks like Jim Carey from Dumb and Dumber when its combed down.

I don't think so!!!