Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shared Bath

Is it me or do I have a lot of bath tub posts?? Oh well, they are just too cute not to share. Over the weekend our good friends came over with their 9 month old little girl. Oh how she just melts my heart and she and Rylan are destined to be married some day! Rylan wasn't so sure about sharing his tub but in the end a good time was had by all. And us Mommies were able to take some sweet pictures. Who knows maybe someday we can show these pictures at their wedding. But first we have to explain to Rylan that we don't hit or knock over our bride to be but we are taking baby steps (literally) with these issues:)


  1. Thanks so much for supporting me and sticking up for me. I never meant for this craziness to happen and I learned my lesson. I will be citing everything...when I do a bible verse...I might need to quote it from being "Jesus"

    Thanks again! It meant a lot that you posted and stuck up for me! Thank you for believing in me and being there for me.

    Sarah Creamer
