Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well, we did it! Cory and I had to confront Rylan and had an intervention between Rylan and his pacifier. We did this Tuesday night and for the most part Rylan did really well. We are still giving him his paci to sleep with (baby steps, I'm not even ready to cross that bridge). And he did great at school yesterday and for most of the evening. Then around 7:30 the !@#% hit the fan. On a side note, Cory conveniently had guys night last night so I was a man down. Rylan screamed and threw a fit like I'd never seen. I did not falter and held my ground (and cussed Cory) but it was the worse 45 minutes. He was almost to the point of throwing up and even screamed during his bath, which he normally loves. I'm just hoping that it was his breaking point and today will be a better day. Man, who knew a pacifier could have that much power. The following pictures were taken before the disastrous meltdown. I've realized that's it's all about distraction, as long as he's busy he doesn't think about the paci. What better distraction than a slide in the living room....

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