Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

We had such a fun Halloween; here is a small recap. (Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the actual trick or treating.) We took Rylan to a church carnival first. He enjoyed seeing all the kids dressed up and walking around, but was to small to play the games. We soon went home with our friends that had brought their kiddos over (I actually think it was more for the guys to drink beer and watch UT play), but they said it was so the kids could trick or treat together. When it finally was dark we pillaged the neighborhood of candy. It didn't take Rylan long to get the hang of trick or treating. His only problem was that he either wanted to go inside the people's house or give them candy instead. We only walked about two blocks but our buckets runeth over so we decided to head home. Rylan had such a great time running and playing. It was almost 11 (gasp) before that child went to bed and no he didn't even have any candy. You'd think after all the days activities and staying up so late that Rylan would conk out. But no Momma had to pay for all that fun with a little boy that decided to cry out every two hours. Ughh...but I was rewarded with a three hour nap the next day.

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