Monday, June 28, 2010

Toy Story 3

I love the Toy Story movies, so when I saw the previews for the third installment I had to see it. I knew there wasn't much of a chance of talking Cory into taking me so I got the crazy idea to take Rylan. I conned my Mom, DeDe and Lacy into going with us because surely 4 grown women could handle one two year old. Well, Rylan did OK. That's about the best way to describe it. He made it through 3/4 of the movie. Which really is pretty good and if the previews hadn't been so long he might had made it through the whole movie. Sadly, he told me that he wanted to go and there's was no convincing him otherwise. So Rylan and I left and let the others enjoy the rest of the movie. I guess I'll have to wait till it comes out on DVD to see how it ends! The only documentation we have is the picture that DeDe took with her phone...I think it accurately depicts Rylan's first movie going experience:) I think I was trying to over compensate for Rylan's lack of enthusiasm....hence the crazy lady!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gidde Up

I guess I can say that my child is a true Texan! He has started saying Yee-Haw and speaks with a very thick country accent. However, when he says Yee-Haw there is more emphasis on the Haw than the Yee:) He loves to wear his camo hat and ride his stick horse...its hard to deny your heritage!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Redneck Water Park

We broke out the water fun yesterday!! Last year, Rylan didn't like the water that much but with a little coaxing I think he's going to love it this year!! Pa and Nan came over and the fun ensued! Rylan loved going down his "water" slide and splashing on his water mat. We even bought a slip n slide! But I think Rylan got more enjoyment watching my Mom and I go down it than actually playing on it. (there are NO pictures of the slip n slide, though my Dad did remark that it reminded him of a show on National Geographic..can you say RUDE) :P After this we decided the smaller slide is the way to go!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Moving on up

Cory and I decided that over the long weekend would be a good time to turn Rylan's crib into a toddler bed. And that way if it was a total disaster, we'd have 3 days to recuperate:) Surprisingly and thankfully it's been a non-event. At first, I thought Rylan didn't realize he could actually get out of bed but the third night he got out of bed ( I was thinking oh crap now we're in for it). But after a little crying, he got back into bed and stayed!! We do put a gate up because I worry that he might roam the house at night and we wouldn't know about it. We are going on day 5 and so far so good. Yesterday, when I got home Rylan helped me check the mail and I let him carry the magazine that had came. After sorting through the mail I noticed that it was awfully quite (which is never a good sign). But this is what I found....I think he is enjoying his big boy bed!