Monday, June 28, 2010

Toy Story 3

I love the Toy Story movies, so when I saw the previews for the third installment I had to see it. I knew there wasn't much of a chance of talking Cory into taking me so I got the crazy idea to take Rylan. I conned my Mom, DeDe and Lacy into going with us because surely 4 grown women could handle one two year old. Well, Rylan did OK. That's about the best way to describe it. He made it through 3/4 of the movie. Which really is pretty good and if the previews hadn't been so long he might had made it through the whole movie. Sadly, he told me that he wanted to go and there's was no convincing him otherwise. So Rylan and I left and let the others enjoy the rest of the movie. I guess I'll have to wait till it comes out on DVD to see how it ends! The only documentation we have is the picture that DeDe took with her phone...I think it accurately depicts Rylan's first movie going experience:) I think I was trying to over compensate for Rylan's lack of enthusiasm....hence the crazy lady!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, he's so big!
    We went on Father's Day and Dylan did not like it! I think the middle part was a little dark and intense for him and being in the dark theater didn't help. So, I feel for Rylan, he and Dylan were in the same boat.
    My favorite remains Toy Story 2!
