Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Poop, poop and more poop

Warning: This post has a lot of mention of bodily functions and is not for the faint of heart:) Well, this past week we decided to dive right into potty training. Before this we had dabbled in it, but never was consistent. On a side note, I knew my life would change when I became a mother, but I never imagined just how much. Right now, most of the conversations that I have are talking about pee and poop. I even discuss this with my co-workers, which I'm sure they are thrilled about, but when that's your life right then what are going to do. SO I would say that we have been some what successful. We started the process by getting rid of ALL the diapers and gave them to a friend that still uses them. Rylan helped with this and we even wrote a short little note explaining that he doesn't need diapers anymore because he's a big boy. Then, Rylan got to wear big boy underwear, which he thought was pretty cool. Next, we put a pair of underwear on a stuffed animal so that we could practice with him. Then I started to sound like a broken record asking Rylan every 5 minutes if he was dry or needed to potty. Rylan enjoyed the praise and jelly bean he got every time he used the potty. He seemed to catch on rather quickly and only had 3 accidents the first day. Now, Rylan seems to have the pee part down (although he has to be reminded to go potty) but pooping is a whole other story. During this whole time he has only pooped in the potty one time and let me tell you we made a huge production! Phone calls where made, prizes given and I'd really thought we'd made a break through until a couple hours later he pooped his pants! Ugh, any suggestions on how to get a toddler to poop on the potty? My goals this summer were to get Rylan sleeping in a big boy bed (check), potty trained(somewhat of a check) and get rid of the suck...hey two out of three isn't bad!

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