Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Rylan has never been a big fan of water. He loves taking a bath, but never really liked his kiddie pool or sprinkler. I thought it might be due to the cold water because I'd be the same way. But even last year when we took him to the big pool, he really didn't care for it. So this summer I searched all around for the best float and was determined for Rylan to like the pool. We finally had time to go swimming and it started out a disaster. We just went right in and Rylan freaked out. So then we sat him on the steps and let him gradually get used to it. I was finally able to let go of him for a little bit and he'd float for a second. Then by the end of the day he wasn't entirely comfortable, but he'd float on his own. I hope we go some more before summer is over because I don't want him scared of the water.

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