Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas '09

Here's our Christmas in reverse order...sorry couldn't get the pictures to change:) We had a wonderful Christmas with our whole family. Cory's Mom, my parents and brother all stayed at our house Christmas Eve (yes my parents only live 5 minutes away but they wanted to be there in the morning). My Dad said it was the best Christmas he'd had in a long time and I think we all felt that way!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We had a surprise party for my Mom over the weekend for her 60th birthday. We all had such a great time and she was completely surprised. Here are a few pictures from the night...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hi-ho Hi-ho a hunting we will go!

Well, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later...Cory shot his dream deer. So now I get to look forward to having a deer head on my living room wall. I just don't get hunting...who in their right mind would want to intentionally get up at the crack of dawn in the freezing cold and sit for hours and look for a deer or some sort of animal to shoot. Even though I don't get it, Cory sure does seem to enjoy it and can't wait for the day when Rylan can go with him and I guess that's all that matters.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monkey see, Monkey Do

I think Rylan has taken being a monkey for Halloween to a whole new level. He is climbing onto everything, but we are usually right there to prevent it. Well, yesterday I was getting ready for our weekly trek to Wal-Mart. Cory was hunting so it would be just Rylan and I. I put on Mickey Mouse and went to put on my makeup. It soon was too quiet so I knew something was up. I looked in the living room and he was no longer where I'd left him. I scanned the room but wasn't looking up. I soon heard a little voice say "Hi" and there was Rylan chilling out on top of the kitchen table going through my purse!!! Somehow he'd shimmied up the chair (our table is a pub table) and crawled all the way across to dig through my purse...ugh I think he's turning into Evel Kenievel. Luckily, he'd dug the camera out of my purse already so I could document the heart attack he gave me:)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I've got nothing!

I try to post something every week, but this week I got nothin'! Rylan amazes me everyday by doing something new. His latest is "Shoo Fly" any type of insect that he sees (in a book or real) gets swatted at and he says shoo fly. So funny! He is getting so big! He is also obsessed with belly buttons (his, ours, complete strangers, it doesn't matter). This is fine till were at Wal-Mart and he wants to see my bellybutton...oh well!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

We had such a fun Halloween; here is a small recap. (Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the actual trick or treating.) We took Rylan to a church carnival first. He enjoyed seeing all the kids dressed up and walking around, but was to small to play the games. We soon went home with our friends that had brought their kiddos over (I actually think it was more for the guys to drink beer and watch UT play), but they said it was so the kids could trick or treat together. When it finally was dark we pillaged the neighborhood of candy. It didn't take Rylan long to get the hang of trick or treating. His only problem was that he either wanted to go inside the people's house or give them candy instead. We only walked about two blocks but our buckets runeth over so we decided to head home. Rylan had such a great time running and playing. It was almost 11 (gasp) before that child went to bed and no he didn't even have any candy. You'd think after all the days activities and staying up so late that Rylan would conk out. But no Momma had to pay for all that fun with a little boy that decided to cry out every two hours. Ughh...but I was rewarded with a three hour nap the next day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Children of the Corn

This weekend we meet up with some great friends that we haven't seen in a long time and all headed to the pumpkin patch. Rylan had such a great time and used up so much energy!!
Who knew a tub of corn could be so much fun. We had to pry Rylan away...hmm so I'm guessing for Christmas we can just get him a tub of corn and we'll be set (that's a lot cheaper than a playhouse).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Born to be Wild

I found the cutest winter hat for Rylan. Nothing's cuter than a skull and cross bones hat on an 18 month old :) Can you believe he's 18 months old. Oh, where has the time gone?? So here he is looking like a biker dude with Daddy. Notice how excited Daisy is in the back ground. Yep, that's about as excited as she gets!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I may be the only one that found this hilarious and may also get CPS called on me. The other night I was getting Rylan ready for his bath, but before I went to turn on the water I had to go grab something. I hear Rylan say Uh-Oh, which is one of his favorite words right now. My first thought was what's in the toilet. But to my surprise this is what I found....He was trying to get a toy out of the bathtub but he couldn't reach the bottom of the tub and then he couldn't reach the floor. So in essence he was stuck. Being the wonderful Mother that I am I first run to get my camera to snap a picture and then help him get "unstuck". Don't worry no children were harmed in the taking of this picture :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The other night, I was getting things ready for Rylan's school the next day when I left the kitchen for 2 seconds to get some diapers....when I walked back in this is what I found.....

My question all kids do this or is my child just weird??? He loves putting food, plates, bowls whatever on his head....I just don't get it!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rylan's First Big Ouch!

This is Rylan's face...

This is Rylan's face when it meets a rocking chair...

Any questions??
Monday I got the call that I knew was going to happen (and will probably happen many more times). It was the director of Mother's Day Out and Rylan had fallen, was bleeding a lot and might need stitches. He had been trying to climb up into a rocking chair and the cushion slid out and he face planted. He tore his bottom lip up and has two pretty big gashes on his gums above his top front teeth. My Mom and I took him to urgent care and Cory met us there. Yes, Rylan rolls with a big entourage where ever he goes. Luckily, the doctor looked everything over and Rylan didn't need any stitches and his teeth were fine. Of course, it just so happens that Rylan is getting his picture made the next two weekends, go figure!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daddy's Shoes

Here lately, Rylan has had a fascination with our shoes. He loves putting them on and then trying to walk around the house. And this is the latest pose that he strikes when he's dancing. He is such a funny little boy and cracks us up on a regular basis.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well, we did it! Cory and I had to confront Rylan and had an intervention between Rylan and his pacifier. We did this Tuesday night and for the most part Rylan did really well. We are still giving him his paci to sleep with (baby steps, I'm not even ready to cross that bridge). And he did great at school yesterday and for most of the evening. Then around 7:30 the !@#% hit the fan. On a side note, Cory conveniently had guys night last night so I was a man down. Rylan screamed and threw a fit like I'd never seen. I did not falter and held my ground (and cussed Cory) but it was the worse 45 minutes. He was almost to the point of throwing up and even screamed during his bath, which he normally loves. I'm just hoping that it was his breaking point and today will be a better day. Man, who knew a pacifier could have that much power. The following pictures were taken before the disastrous meltdown. I've realized that's it's all about distraction, as long as he's busy he doesn't think about the paci. What better distraction than a slide in the living room....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One Lucky Boy...and maybe a tiny bit spoiled!

Rylan is so blessed to have two awesome Grandmas. And Cory and I are blessed because they are our Moms:) They are willing to do anything for him (and us) and I hope they know how much we appreciate it. So THANKS to the two greatest Grandmas a boy could ask for!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Do you need a cleaning service??

I read recently that it costs an estimated $220,000 to raise a child born in 2008. So I decided Rylan needs to start carrying his weight. If anyone is looking for a cleaning service I have your man....

He sweeps....
He mops...
And he can stand on his many cleaning people do you know that can do that:)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shared Bath

Is it me or do I have a lot of bath tub posts?? Oh well, they are just too cute not to share. Over the weekend our good friends came over with their 9 month old little girl. Oh how she just melts my heart and she and Rylan are destined to be married some day! Rylan wasn't so sure about sharing his tub but in the end a good time was had by all. And us Mommies were able to take some sweet pictures. Who knows maybe someday we can show these pictures at their wedding. But first we have to explain to Rylan that we don't hit or knock over our bride to be but we are taking baby steps (literally) with these issues:)